Master Classes

Anchora Master Classes

If you are on this page, congratulations! You have completed the seven self healing core classes and you have a better understanding of yourself as an energy being. Now, perhaps, you would like to help others in their healing journey. The following three master classes will show you how to interact with the energy field of other people. You will learn to recognize and feel the energy in their body, even if you are not in physical proximity to the person you are working on due to the law of quantum entanglement.

Master Class 1

In this class, you will learn how energy flows through the human body. You will also be able to interact with people’s energy within their bodies, with their emotions, and with their thoughts. Many times people are not aware of certain blockages they carry in their energetic field, but through energy healing, they begin to recognize where their energy is stuck and why that is happening. Helping others to balance their energy and to understand themselves better is also very helpful to the practitioner because you begin to understand who you are and what you are capable of. It is a gift that all of us have, whether or not we are consciously aware of it.

Master Class 2

Now you are equipped with enough skills to start scanning the person’s energy field, but only with their permission. This is a very important concept that must be adhered to so as not to interfere with another’s free will. In this process of energetic scanning, we gather the information that can help the person with whom we are working to understand their own emotions and thoughts. Our energy field is an expansion of our whole being, and can be felt and physically measured. When there are holes or weaknesses in our field, the opportunity arises for foreign energies to fill those spaces. Consistent cleansing of our energy field and understanding what is not our own energy is crucial for our well-being. Human consciousness and negative collective energy can contribute to congesting our own energy field.

Master Class 3

In this final step, you will learn how to communicate with the spiritual side of another human being by gathering information from their higher self and their and spiritual helpers. According to the principle of non-locality, the physical location of the person we are working on is of no importance. Distance and time are something that does not exist in our spiritual world. When we interact with someone else’s higher self, we help that person to better understand their life, help them with an issue they might be having, or bring important messages to their consciousness that they need to hear in that moment.